
Serveurs concernés  (Statistiques diverses)

Enregistrement de 102.092 joueurs (4 nouveaux joueurs ses dernières 24H) avec 22.981.828 kills et 4.494.750 headshots (20%) sur 1 serveurs
Serveur Adresse Map Temps Joueurs
ANZACSGAMERS Public Server || dod_harrington 00:04:13h 0/32
Serveur Adresse Map Temps Joueurs
ANZACSGAMERS Public Server || dod_harrington 00:04:13h 0/32
# Joueur Frags HS Hpk Acc Ping Temps +/- Skill Position
Aucun Joueur

Récompenses quotidiennes (Vue d'ensemble)

Récompense Gagnant (lundi, 21. oct 2024) Le leader du jour
Area Captured  Rec.LuckyPhil.Anzacs 1st (45 areas captured) Not awarded
Backstabbing  Slacken (5 kills with the American Knife) Not awarded
Bar Browning  Rec.LuckyPhil.Anzacs 1st (70 kills with the BAR Browning Automatic Rifle) Not awarded
Bazooka  2024 LAND CRUISER (15 kills with the Bazooka) Not awarded
Best Latency  nat (22 ms average connection) Not awarded
Bomb Planter Killer Not awarded Not awarded
Colt Freak  Slacken (6 kills with the Colt .45 model 1911) Not awarded
Dominator  jAcKaL (17 dominations) Not awarded
Garand  Ruzie_ (106 kills with the M1 Garand Rifle) Not awarded
German Grenade  Maj PÿRÓ | ANZAC | MP (28 bombings with the German Grenade) Not awarded
German Machine  Kai (25 kills with the MG42) Not awarded
Longest Death Streak  Cpl.William's Dad.ANZAC.1st (16 deaths) Not awarded
Longest Kill Streak  jAcKaL (13 kills) Not awarded
Longest Play Time  Maj. LoObA LiPs. ANZAC (03:22:52h hours) Not awarded
Most Captures  Rec.LuckyPhil.Anzacs 1st (45 captures) Not awarded
Most Deaths  Maj. LoObA LiPs. ANZAC (223 deaths) Not awarded
Most Headshots  Ruzie_ (42 headshots) Not awarded
Most Improved Player  Maj. LoObA LiPs. ANZAC (1.079 points gained) Not awarded
Most Kills  Kai (240 kills) Not awarded
Most Suicides  Maj. RAZZZ | ANZAC/2nd (7 suicides) Not awarded
MP40  meeX (27 kills with the MP40 Machine Pistol) Not awarded
MP44  ApplecrossWC (125 kills with the MP44 Assault Rifle) Not awarded
Panzerschreck  LCDR Harry Houdini.ANZAC (9 kills with the Panzerschreck) Not awarded
Puncher  hovel (6 knock-outs) Not awarded
Revenger  Maj. LoObA LiPs. ANZAC (8 revenges) Not awarded
Shovel God  hovel (10 kills with the spade) Not awarded
Spring Sniper  Kai (82 snipings with the Springfield 03 Rifle) Not awarded
Thompson  FOLSOM (30 kills with the Thompson Submachine Gun) Not awarded
Top Defuser Not awarded Not awarded
Top Demolitionist Not awarded Not awarded
US Grenade  Rec.LuckyPhil.Anzacs 1st (17 bombings with the U.S. Grenade) Not awarded